Life in Dominica.....

Chapter 1
Getting adapted....

Thursday, February 25, 2010

How does it get better ....really???

It's now been over a week and things are well let's say interesting.
I got my business registered in Dominica yippeee but am still not working. The guy I'm renting from was in the hospital for 5 days after taking me and a few people on a 14.5 mile hike to boiling lake. (gas in his heart??) He just got out yesterday I was so happy to see him and the first thing he said is "You are not a nice person." Wow talk about being taken off guard. Needless to say I didn't know i had an obligation to visit him there but apparently it's written in his book I've never read. Although the flowers were picked for him and on the table as he ripped into me.
I spent a lovely evening talking life with my friend Benedicte last night and i know it is only Jerry's thoughts and perhpas the crazy english lady (whos also staying there) that had entered my head and was making me feel like shit!!!
Today I made a little progresss... I found out that the reason I haven't started at the hotel teaching yet is they want to instill membership club where the memebers get yoga classes. I found this out from a woman at the coffee shop today ( Fadelles).
This is a shop I have been to every day (flower and coffee) I started helping Jennifer organize and clean a bit there today...hey why not I got the time, and she's helping me with contacts here.
I met Avril a lovely Dominican with 2 kids Annabelle and ihsan. She is helping me set some things up as well. And she's a MAC girl....
I have contacted the alternative school (the only one on the island) about teaching hip hop and yoga there tehey said they wold be sure to have someone call me. I'll probably call again tomorrow..... you gotta keep on these people the motivation sometimes needs a kick in the donkey....
I think I found a room to rent up in Trafalga (near the waterfalls) for March. I'm so ready to be here and get er done!!!
Come on universe keep up.


  1. interesting about the book you've never read.. apparently everyone has one. Didn't you know? jajajajajajajajajaja

  2. realization that people in other cultures are different and the expectations of others are different as well...island people tend to move at a slower pace..patience was a everyday practice for me when living on an island...
    All is right there for ya the universe may be ahead of you ....
